Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bodli: The Rural Village in Pictures

Calf resting in its den.

Anjana (the village health worker) and Bhagyashree leading the way to the home of the mother and 11 day old newborn.

Man guiding his cart led by two cattle. Although there are scooters, vans, and buses on the main road, this is a common sight in the fields and within the villages.

At the home of the family with the newborn. Anjana showing us how she cleans her arms and hands so that they are "sterile". She follows a specific routine that allows the water to fall away from her hands, instead of down onto them. She then stands in the sunlight and allows her hands to air dry, instead of wiping them on any cloth or surface.

After the visit to the infant's home (no photos taken inside the home out of respect), we went back to Anjana's home where she shows us the SEARCH materials she uses at the time of delivery to treat newborns with asphyxia, sepsis, and hypothermia. The books in the foreground are training manuals and log books where she records all eligible and pregnant females in the village. To the right of the manuals is a dummy baby swaddled in a cloth. It is used to train other village/community health workers.

Bhagyashree, me, and Miriam waiting for the bus back to SEARCH. The gate to the village is over our left shoulders.

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