Monday, July 5, 2010

Good Surprise, Bad Surprise

There isn't much to say about Saturday (6/26).

I had a good surprise, which was that people came to clean the bathrooms and our bedrooms. The other girls had mentioned that during our morning chores on Wednesday and Saturday we wouldn't have to worry about most things because people come to clean and change the toilet paper in the bathrooms, but I didn't realize the extent of it. They wiped down all the toilets and sinks (which get really buggy), and they hose down the floors, and they replenish the toilet paper, and they put up air fresheners. Our bathroom was "sparkling clean", in relative terms. This made me happy because I realized I arrived at SEARCH during probably the worst days in terms of bathroom cleanliness, but that really it was usually going to be in better condition.

The bad surprise I had on that Saturday was that my suitcase did not come. I sorta expected it to not come as early as Thursday, but I had hoped for Friday. When it wasn't coming on Friday, SEARCH told me they would go get it on Saturday. When Saturday afternoon came, they told me we wouldn't get it until Sunday. I started to worry that every day would become just one more day, and I think I panicked that I would never get it. I felt like I had no control over the situation. So I got really moody Saturday afternoon and didn't do much work on my first real work day. (The work week is Monday-Saturday in India).

The only other thing that happened, as I mentioned in an earlier post, is that I saw my first snake while alone, and I didn't freak out. I was happy about that too.

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